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Feature Animation Workshop 6

Sequence Work

In the first half of this 11 week workshop we will be working with continuity across cuts. We will be fine tuning your planning and blocking process for a substantial length of dialog. This will greatly help our productions run more smoothly. In the second half of the workshop we will now work on refining your animation from part 1 so that it is production ready. Many directors want to see a plan or blueprint from us so that they can feel comfortable with the time spent on polishing shots.

11 week access to:

  • Live & Recorded Classes
  • Extra Lectures by Jason Ryan, CineSite Animation Director.
  • Feature Rigs

Who you learn from Matters

​Become a 3D Character Animator

  1. Remove any doubts and struggle from your animation journey by mastering all the animation tools you will need as a professional animator.
  2. Learn how the professional tackles a problem, the tools and methods used at the top studio with our Maya course that is focused on: Introduction to Maya, Core Fundamentals, and Essential Animation Tools.
  3. Accelerate your career with a strong foundation that will bring your characters to life. Our approach prepares you for the reality of the animation industry and helps beginners get started on the right foot. With the guidance of our instructor and program, you will have all the tools and knowledge you need to succeed as an animator.

Week-by-Week Topic

  • Week 1 - Snippet shots
  • Week 2 - Pushing your blocking to make it stronger
  • Week 3 - Demos and lectures (Keynote & Maya)
  • Week 4 - Taking your shot from blocking to polish
  • Week 5 - Clear & simple ideas in animation
  • Week 6 - Pushing the graphic quality of your poses
  • Week 7 - Becoming the character
  • Week 8 - Cartoony vs Naturalistic
  • Week 9 - Body language study in film
  • Week 10 - Organic motion and fleshy feel
  • Week 11 - Pushing the expression

Workshop Instructor

Next Workshops start September 30, 2024

Price Per Workshop: $1,698

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