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How to Find an Outstanding Animation Mentor

How to Find an Outstanding Animation Mentor

For a prosperous career in the animation industry, having a mentor is critical. Furthermore, an animation mentor serves as a link between your early animation days and your desired job in animation. So, if you want to study animation without wasting time, money, or effort, you will need some guidance.

How to Find an Outstanding Animation Mentor

Finding a perfect mentor for animation is not that difficult. However, you should know where to find one. Also, it is crucial to understand what to look for when finding an animator. Here, we will discuss this in a brief so as to help you with this process.

1. Analysis of Bio and Reels

The first thing you need to do to find a good mentor is to analyze the animation mentor bio and reels available on the internet. It is essential to examine their studio growth and contribution to the animation industry, as only experienced people can help you along the way. Furthermore, certain expertise and projects discuss mentors/instructors extensively, so you must examine all of these factors when making your decisions.

iAnimate offers flexible scheduling and unlimited recording lessons, so you never miss important online animation programs. Self-study courses are also available. However, we have professional industry animation mentors to help you get going. iAnimate gives you access to the best instructors around the world.

2. Analyze Student Testimonials

The best way to find a mentor is to look at the testimonials of various students who can get a glimpse of the mentorship you are looking for. You need to listen to their experience and what they are now.

3. Take help from social media platforms

Good mentors have a good relationship with the community and can be easily determined by checking their social media presence and activity.

With iAnimate, you can get the best animation mentors from all over the world. In fact, iAnimate is a great place to enhance the quality of your animation and meet other animators. We provide solid support and a warm online community where you can talk about animation.

4. Find an animation mentor in a friend

The animation instructor doesn't have to be your only mentor. Anyone who has been there for you before can play a significant role in your life by giving you the motivation you need.

The animation industry is a lot of work, and it takes a lot of dedication and motivation to be able to work through the tiring days. Even if you become an animation professional, you will still need someone to support you. The iAnimate's podcasts and articles can help you with this support by providing top-notch and important information regarding the animation industry.

5. Seek help from past students

Word-of-mouth is the first thing everyone likes. So interacting with students who have already experienced such mentorship can help you make the right choice.

Why are iAnimate Mentors important?

There are several online animation platforms that can help you pursue your dream career in animation. At iAnimate, we lead by helping the animators adapt to the industry. Our animation mentors and trainers are industry leaders and professionals with over 20 years of experience.

Benefits of Animation Mentor or Instructor

The live reviews and weekly demos, presentations from individual instructors, and recordings of all sessions for later revisits are the absolute best way to learn and improve.

1. Upscaling Animation Career

Animation mentors can help you accelerate and improve your career. At iAnimate, mentors take a holistic approach to their students. Your success is their success because you are the product of your mentor.

How can an animation mentor help you?

  • Biggest & Best Studios: Advance your career by getting recognized and hired by the best and biggest studios.
  • Get the money shots: Show you got the skills and have done it before. Give the studio an example of your skill.
  • Get the Credits: See your name on the big screen in the most exciting movies, Netflix series, or games.
  • Protect your creativity: Never get stuck and animate a shot that tells a story; Create the shot you can't do at the studio.
  • Improve your salary: Get expertise and experience, and let them know you got that Disney & Pixar level training.

2. Real-time Feedback and Support

iAnimate provides a one-to-one lesson interface. Mentors provide personalized feedback and ratings to meet all your animation needs. All sessions with the instructor are live and recorded for later viewing.

Our professional instructors and comprehensive workshops will help you maximize and realize your career potential.

3. Introduction to the Animation Industry

A great mentor provides insights into the industry they know about. Similarly, iAnimate mentors understand the inside and outside of the animation industry. They will introduce you to the environment in which you want to work.

Overall, Mentors are a guide to your animated career. They know what the studio wants and who they want to hire, so they prepare you for the professional workflow that the studio needs. Moreover, they prepare you not only for animation work but also for life.


As an animator, it is vital to locate great mentors who can guide you in the proper direction. By looking at their bios and watching their reels, you could get a great concept of what they could provide you as a mentor.

You must find someone who has been wherein you need to be. This is vital in growing your talents and attaining your goals. Furthermore, do not forget to stay in contact with your mentors and maintain getting to know them; after all, they are those who have walked the direction earlier than you.

In a nutshell, It is essential to get your competencies evaluated with the aid of using an expert earlier than starting your profession in animation. An animation mentor can help you in growing a hit expert strategy. It is, however, your responsibility to choose the type of animation you will work on or improve. After that, you should have a good concept of the industries or studios you want to join after analyzing your abilities.

Article by Richard Arroyo & iAnimate Team

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